Black on White crime, already horrific, continues to explode. Here’s a video showing what it can be like for your children to grow up in an ethnically diverse neighbourhood. One of these Black bullies, a twelve year old male, was so proud that he couldn’t wait to upload this travesty onto Facebook. Can you imagine …
Category: Education
Dec 12 2014
Something BIG is Happening (video)
Awareness is growing that Something BIG is happening on earth and in heaven. Why has Jesus Christ become the ‘Black Sheep’ of Christmas? Why do Jews (who make up less than 2% of the U.S. population) have a HUGE seven story lighted menorah celebrating Hanukkah on our White House lawn while Christians are denied even …
Jun 03 2014
Who Cratered the Skykomish Hotel Sale?
The Skykomish Hotel sale closing, set for March 14, 2014, cratered following repeated refusal by the Town to work with Buyers in providing necessary documentation. The Skykomish Hotel had been sold for $350,000, plus Buyer’s assumption of approximately $100,000 in additional liabilities, bringing the total sale price to $450,000. New owners were to commence immediate …
Apr 20 2014
Skykomish Easter Parade
It’s always nice to see the Easter Bunny and Smokey the Bear while watching large fire trucks and listening to screaming ambulances. We’re happy that all present had a great time at the Skykomish Easter Parade. The question: Is there any time left to honour or even remember what Easter is really all about? The …
Feb 25 2014
Skykomish Isn’t Alone
One doesn’t have to look very far to see how rapidly our world is changing. Mankind is awakening with a thunder! Skykomish will join the party whether it likes it or not. Hi. I’m Megan Baker. The Rule of Law, allowed Americans to achieve tremendous social progress and a high standard of living. Our …
Nov 24 2013
Real Friends of Skykomish
‘Friends of Skykomish’, a Facebook fan page devoted to self-immolation, ranting and hurling insults, has a new competitor, ‘Real Friends of Skykomish’. Rick Aydelotte, the face behind the new fan page, is a longtime resident and knows the ropes. Like others who have fallen out of favour with the ‘tavern crowd’, Rick has become prey …
Jan 20 2013
Rick Aydelotte on Drug Offenders
Local talent Rick Aydelotte’s recent European tour included visiting the Volterra territorial prison in Italy. Rick’s song, recorded on video, could however have been written anywhere, as governments all over the globe waste precious resources criminalizing law abiding individuals in the name of the so-called ‘war on drugs’. Thanks Rick from the Skykomish News for calling …
Dec 22 2012
Skykomish Mayor Alan A. (Tony) Grider is Next Batter Up
Mayor Fred Black’s recent sudden departure under a dark cloud of suspicion, with 2.3 million dollars of Town money missing, meant a new warm body was needed to fill the vacuum. Meet our latest Ruling Elite. Mayor Alan A. (Tony) Grider, a terribly inexperienced and extremely naïve school teacher with absolutely no financial stake in the …
Sep 11 2011
Occupy Wall Street Protest Begins
Occupy Wall Street Protest Begins in New York City 2811 Miles by Highway a Millisecond via Internet While most Americans continued to perform normal activities, New York’s Wall Street was occupied by protesters on September 17, 2011, as Americans began reclaiming this once great nation from fascist Nazi rule. One week later on September 24th a larger crowd …
Aug 31 2011
Jesse Ventura Speaks Against Fascism (video)
Former Navy Seal and Governor has a Lot to Say Jesse Ventura, former Navy Seal, Wrestler, TV personality and Minnesota Governor speaks on camera regarding fascist Government rule. Ventura, no friend of Democratic or Republican parties, pulls no punches in this riveting video interview. Governor Ventura now calls for a boycott of the National Football League (NFL) …