Category: Historic Properties

Skykomish Commits Municipal Suicide

Transcript of speech by Skykomish Hotel owner before the Liberty Forum in Bellevue, WA: Thank you for your kind invitation. It is an honour and pleasure to speak before you this evening regarding the Skykomish Hotel disaster. Having never met, you and I nevertheless share a common bond… recognition that the ‘self’ in self-government refers …

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Skykomish Environmental Scam Exposed

Environmental Scam Exposed!  Skykomish Remains Severely Polluted Political Elites and ‘Select Citizens’ gathered at the public’s Maloney General Store to celebrate completion of BNSF Railway’s Skykomish Environmental Cleanup. The ‘invitation only’ event had been heralded up and down the Skykomish Valley. Department of Ecology says this has been Washington State’s largest and most complex Environmental Cleanup. We believe it more accurate to …

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Skykomish Economic Development now controlled by School Children

Skykomish Economic Development falls into the hands of King County School Children as The Washington Trust for Historic Preservation (‘the Trust’) invited King County high school students on a field trip to the Skykomish Hotel so ‘high school students can learn first-hand how to revitalize the structure as a viable, revenue-generating property to spark economic …

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Congresswoman Suzan DelBene Exposed in Theft of Skykomish Hotel

Congresswoman Suzan DelBene Exposed in Theft of Skykomish Hotel. An overwhelming majority of Americans know our nation is in trouble. 94% believe Congress to be a significant part of the problem. The testimony I am about to offer does not come easily. It is as difficult for me to reveal as it will be for …

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Why Skykomish Fears Freedom

Why does Skykomish Fear Freedom? Not everyone is well suited to live free. Many need the nanny state teat to suck on, a womb to crawl back into. Here’s why Skykomish opted to embrace Fascism instead of Freedom. Read more . . .   * * * * * Fair Use Notice: This website post …

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Skykomish Attempts Image Make-over

Skykomish attempts image make-over to a ‘Gold Star certified NAMBLA Friendly’ community! Sky has definitely needed a warmer, fuzzier, friendlier public image for some time now. Its ‘Public Private Partnership’ with Warren Buffett’s BNSF Railway, Washington State Department of Ecology and nefarious King County NGO has left the town Busted, Broken and severely Polluted. Earlier …

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Stealing Other People’s Property is Fun & Easy

Washington State politicos have long been addicted to stealing other peoples’ property, preying mostly upon the elderly and others who are least able to defend themselves. This model involves taking assets from the non politically connected and redistributing them to political cronies, often using 501(c)3 front NGO organizations like as cover. The Skykomish Hotel, …

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Skykomish remains a Polluted, Corrupted, Potemkin Village

Skykomish remains a polluted, corrupted Potemkin Village. ‘Potemkin Village’: a place where deliberate action has been taken to make it appear ‘everything is normal’ when in fact it is anything but… ‘a purposeful deception designed to obfuscate the facts and hide the truth’. Fake News for a Fake Town The Monroe Monitor continues to publish …

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Skykomish Wastewater Treatment Facility Disaster

Sky’s new wastewater treatment facility is an official disaster area. Rick Aydelotte’s successful lawsuit against the Town and elected Officials proved that several Town officials had illegally accepted money from Warren Buffett’s BNSF Railway in exchange for agreeing to BNSF terms and conditions. Negative consequences are already apparent for Town revenues and economic development efforts. Corporate Oligarchs …

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The Skykomish Success Story

The Skykomish Success Story isn’t quite ready for prime time. The Monroe Monitor published ‘Skykomish Gears up for Summer’ and ‘Deception Falls Trails Open Again’. The Monitor’s ‘warm and fuzzy’ articles portray Skykomish as a small town getting ready for a successful summer tourist season. The Facts Paint a Very Different and Disturbing Picture 1. …

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