Category: Politics

Skykomish Historic Town Center Project is Doomed

Skykomish Historic Town Center project is Doomed before it even gets off the ground. Recent media coverage has underscored the fact that a major seismic event is overdue in the Pacific Northwest and could occur at any time. Property damage and loss of life estimates are on a scale that is difficult to fathom. Modern …

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Prayer for Skykomish

Skykomish Evergreens grow straight and tall as they reach for the Sky. Heavens respond with clouds touching down to the ground. Nature’s moist breath nourishes lush, green forests. Sounds echo through the narrow mountain valley. Passing trains and flowing river can be heard before they arrive and after they depart. Skykomish, majestic and mystical, we …

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Help Save the Historic Bush House

Index’s Bush House is asking area citizens to sign a petition aimed at saving the historic structure and rescuing its stalled renovation. While located eight miles away and in another county, the Bush House nevertheless appears to have contracted the deadly ‘Skykomish Hotel’ disease known as ‘Municipal Suicide’. Index’s mayor, a neighbouring property owner and …

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Government Cowers in Fear

Legislators like Dan Kristiansen and Kirk Pearson cower in fear of their own constituents, as evidenced by the buildup up of militarized police forces, MRAPS, etc. Americans have had enough and are getting ready to take back this nation, restoring freedom and liberty. Read more . . . * * * * * Fair Use …

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Washington State Elites Don’t Pay Fair Share

Workers and retirees are being subjected to a never ending round of inflationary price increases at the grocery store, assessor’s office and medical clinic. It’s difficult to drive around the Puget Sound region without seeing a new lane, road or bridge toll. Employers continue to experience expensive new rules and regulations, while also being hit with the …

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Skykomish Destroyed by Corruption

Skykomish has been Destroyed by Corruption. Dishonesty and corruption aren’t bad just because they’re against our Creator’s law; they’re wrong because they cause damage and injury to all parties, including perpetrators. Corruption destroys our inner soul and the very fabric of society. Skykomish’s desperate economic and social condition is not due exclusively to external influences, …

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Why the Rule of Law Matters

Former CIA operative, Steve Pieczenik, offers his regarding the core problem, a lack of appreciation for the Rule of Law. Many of you will see that this particular situation is a mirror image of what is presently unfolding in Skykomish and our nation. When we decide the Rule of Law no longer matters, let us …

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Skykomish Boondoggle needs Volunteers

Sky’s latest version of the Vision has become just one more failed taxpayer funded boondoggle. Skykomish seeks volunteers to operate and maintain its 7.5” gauge Great Northern & Cascade Railway designed to spur economic rebirth. This short, circular kiddie railroad was expected to usher in tourists to ride and spend money at the town’s remaining businesses: …

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Skykomish – Deception at Deception Falls

Skykomish Mayor, Tony Grider, received kudos from Monroe Monitor reporter Chris Hendrickson in her article ‘Deception Falls Trails Open Again‘ which outlined how the Town would now be responsible for maintaining the trails. While it’s certainly great to see the trail open, let’s review the facts: This effort was reported as being necessary because the …

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Seattle King 5 News papers over BNSF Railway’s Skykomish Environmental Cleanup Scam

Dinner is served and Skykomish is once again on the menu. Lame stream media has recently been showering Sky with a series of warm and fuzzy articles, stories and newscasts. Imagine, with hundreds of towns desperately craving media attention, little ole Sky gets an extra large portion of fluff and puff. What a fluke. What …

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