Skykomish’s Future (video)

Megan Baker discusses the forces shaping Sky’s future.


Hi. I’m Megan Baker.

A new poll by the American Association for the Advancement of Science reveals that twenty six percent of Americans are unable to correctly answer this question:

Does the Sun, rotate around the earth, or does the earth rotate around the Sun?

While this is in itself shocking, it begs this question:

If a significant portion of Americans doesn’t understand the very basics, what else don’t they know?

Has the public education system so completely failed that we are truly a nation of idiots?

Are we able to watch TV, surf for pornography, sit on bar stools, and send text messages, but do little else?

Like it or not, change is here.

This change is being driven by three forces:

Number one, central bankers, governments, corporations and households have built up a mountain of debt that cannot be repaid.

Number two, government has promised entitlements and benefits that cannot and will not be delivered.

The mathematics are simply irrefutable.

Number three, technology is advancing at a rate never before envisioned.

These unstoppable forces are accelerating and will prove revolutionary.

Continuous change, disruption and upheaval are the new normal.

Those intending to stay relevant must get out ahead of the curve.

This will not be easy.

Sky’s future is going to be very different from the present or past.

Having killed off revenues that private investment generates, Sky now depends exclusively upon property taxes and a few occasional grants.

This paradigm is failing and government revenues are going to collapse.

Those seeking to preserve their assets are already fleeing our nation in record numbers.

The host is abandoning ship, leaving the parasites without anyone to feed off of.

Plain and simple, disaster is headed our way.

The Federal Reserve, a private banking cartel, is now creating money from thin air to fund over one half of all US government spending.

If that does not trouble you, it should.

If you have children or grandkids, it should scare you even more.

The cookie jars are being turned upside down at town, county and state levels too, in a desperate scramble to find money.

Taxes, road tolls, assessments, levies and other fees are rising.

Skykomish property taxes continue to increase despite the fact that property values, when adjusted for inflation, are actually falling.

Those depending upon social security, Medicaid, Medicare, food stamps, disability, government employment, pensions and savings are going to be in for a rude awakening.

Promises that have been made are going to be broken.

The only question is: will it be through inflation, default, or by outright confiscation?

American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, the NFL and X-box are not going to save you from what’s coming.

If your ass is going to get saved, it will be you and nobody else who is going to save it.

The time to begin is now, while there is still time.

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