Tag: Skykomish Mayor Tony Grider.

Skykomish Hotel – Guess It’s Not So Dangerous After All!

Skykomish officials like Henry Sladek, Whistling Post Tavern keeper Charlie Brown and local rabble have long been on the circuit carping about dangers the historic Skykomish Hotel posed for citizens and other innocents. Now that the Town (which has all but destroyed itself, its economy and the Hotel) has taken physical control of and responsibility …

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Skykomish Mayor Alan A. (Tony) Grider is Next Batter Up

Mayor Fred Black’s recent sudden departure under a dark cloud of suspicion, with 2.3 million dollars of Town money missing, meant a new warm body was needed to fill the vacuum. Meet our latest Ruling Elite. Mayor Alan A. (Tony) Grider, a terribly inexperienced and extremely naïve school teacher with absolutely no financial stake in the …

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